Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Ruth Update, April 29, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Amazing Grace
Labels: video
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Ruth Update, April 23, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ruth Update, April 16, 2008
"Dear Ms Provance,
Wanted to let you know that scns of head & neck came back as normal
Sincerely, N A MD"
(Hmm, same initials as another N A MD, I know. Not you, Norm!)
This gives me some comfort, of course, though I don't know what to think about the discomfort in my neck. It could be soreness from the seeping nosebleed that the Xeloda seems to give me.
The bad news is:
"The ct chest is stable but the abd ct scan unfortunately has shown Some progression . We will need to discuss the next steps . Please schedule a visit w me."
Now, I didn't know she had ordered a chest and abdominal scan in addition to the head and neck. More bad news is I can't get any further information until next week, as she is booked solid until Wednesday. I even tried to corner her in the elevator, but she had seven minutes to hide in the lunchroom and eat her sandwich before her next appointment, and didn't have any cancellations to speak to me while I was having my chemo. The good news about the delay is that Paul will be able to come with me again. I also speculate that if there is some "progression," maybe they will be able to get a better biopsy of the tumor to see if Herceptin will do me any good.
Anyway, prayers are requested.
Get your mammograms. Do your self-exams.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ruth Update, April 14, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
Ruth Update, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Ruth Update, April 6, 2008
My week has been pretty uneventful. No particular treatments, except for the oral medication, which continues into Tuesday, and then I have a week off, before they fire me up again.
This week will be a little busier. I have an appointment with my oncologist on Wednesday, followed by an Aredia treatment. That is the IV medication meant to strengthen my bones. I get it every four weeks, and it is usually pretty easy to take. I get chemotherapy every three weeks. One of these days, I am going to spend a really long time in that chair when the treatments land on the same day. Both of them are long infusions, that is, they have to go in slowly, so it will pretty much take care of a day.
Also, Paul and I have signed up for the Komen Race for the Cure on June 7th in Washington, DC. We have joined a team sponsored by a fellow survivor at the church where I work, Living Savior Lutheran Church, and our team designation is "LSL Team LSLC" Here is a shortened link to the team page:
From that page, you can contribute to the team, contribute to an individual, or, even better, join the team and run (with Paul) or walk (with me). As I understand it, the runners go for 5K, and the walkers only commit to a mile, but I will let you know more details after we get our race packets. If you want to just send us a check to support us, I imagine that can be done. Again, I will let you know details as I learn them. (Edited to add: There are links to donation forms on the individual participant pages, just beneath the "thermometer." Print the page and follow the directions to send in a check with the form so the individual will get the "credit")
Thank you to everyone who has supported my friend Lisa Latall in her fund raising for the Avon Three-Day walk for Breast Cancer. She has surpassed her original goal of $1,800 and her second goal of $2,000. Her current total is $2,221.20. Yay, Lisa! Paul and I hope to be there when she starts the walk, but even if we can't, we will be with her in spirit.
Get your mammograms. Do your self-exams.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Ruth Update, April 1, 2008
Blossom time
It's time for the Cherry Blossom Festival in our National Capital Area. These cherry trees are in Northern Virginia. You can find anything at your public library.
I don't know what these are called, but I bet they are considered a weed. I prefer to think of them as wildflowers. They turn whole slopes purple, and love to live in lawns.
These may look like cherries, but are actually ornamental pear trees, growing in the parking lot of the church where I work. The windows behind the altar look out upon these all year, and are they are also gorgeous in the fall, when the foliage turns red.
Here we have what I consider one of the glories of early spring in this part of the world. One day, you see a bush of sticks. Two days later, the forsythia are in bloom.
Here is a reminder of Nebraska, only the crabapples bloom a month earlier in Northern Virginia. There are several crabapple trees in our neighborhood, and I often linger under them on our evening walks, just to inhale the soft scent.
These are . . . pretty blue flowers. Also found at the public library.
Waiting in the wings for their part of the show are the azaleas . . .
And the lilacs.
Not really a time waster . . . right?
67 words
I did notice about this site, though, that I did not see any "q" or "z" in any of the words they give you. I could actually use the practice on those letters.