Ruth Update, April 16, 2008
"Dear Ms Provance,
Wanted to let you know that scns of head & neck came back as normal
Sincerely, N A MD"
(Hmm, same initials as another N A MD, I know. Not you, Norm!)
This gives me some comfort, of course, though I don't know what to think about the discomfort in my neck. It could be soreness from the seeping nosebleed that the Xeloda seems to give me.
The bad news is:
"The ct chest is stable but the abd ct scan unfortunately has shown Some progression . We will need to discuss the next steps . Please schedule a visit w me."
Now, I didn't know she had ordered a chest and abdominal scan in addition to the head and neck. More bad news is I can't get any further information until next week, as she is booked solid until Wednesday. I even tried to corner her in the elevator, but she had seven minutes to hide in the lunchroom and eat her sandwich before her next appointment, and didn't have any cancellations to speak to me while I was having my chemo. The good news about the delay is that Paul will be able to come with me again. I also speculate that if there is some "progression," maybe they will be able to get a better biopsy of the tumor to see if Herceptin will do me any good.
Anyway, prayers are requested.
Get your mammograms. Do your self-exams.
At 2:02 PM,
Matt said…
this maybe THE coolest potter inspired thing I have EVER seen.
I may have to make one
At 2:47 PM,
datatech57 said…
Okay, I printed the whole thing out for you, including the four charts. Have fun, dear! It's just knit and purl.
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