How I got here, and the good things about chemotherapy
If you go all the way to the beginning of this blog, you will see that I said something about being here because I was just trying to respond to somebody else's blog. Meet Franklin I really like his cartoons. And I met him via the Yarn Harlot I have also been reading My Cancer by Leroy Sievers. I often read Leroy and say, "Amen, brother." I can really relate. I have never seen anything on his blog about the good things about chemotherapy, though.
1. No bad hair days. I sometimes have bad "no hair" days.
2. I don't have to shave my legs. Which was nice when we spent a week on the beach.
3. No eyebrow plucking. Oh, wait, I never plucked my eyebrows when I had them.
4. Those two ugly hairs that sprout out of the scar on my face that used to be a mole? Gone. Also some other extraneous hairs that you don't want to know about. Trust me.
5. I save money on haircuts. My husband gave me my last haircut using my grandfather's barber clippers. It was free!
6. I have an excuse to be legally stoned for two days every three weeks. Yes, I go to church in a narcotic haze. I think I remember the sermon. Also, I skip the bobbing up and down parts that we Lutherans seem to be so fond of on that Sunday.
7. My wig looks better than my real hair.
Really, it does.

Also, I only have to wash it every two weeks, if I wear it every day. I have started wearing it every day since I finally realized that it really does look better than my hats and scarves.
If you come to my door unnannouced, though, be prepared.

Earrings have become more important to me, too. Good thing my husband has developed a relationship with a jeweller.
Okay, maybe I look like Mr. Clean.
The most important good thing about chemotherapy, is I have found out how many good friends I really have. They have been sending us food, prayers, and help any time I need it. I am blessed with a wonderful family, and a larger than expected circle of friends. Thanks.
Get your mammograms. Do your self-exams.
If you go all the way to the beginning of this blog, you will see that I said something about being here because I was just trying to respond to somebody else's blog. Meet Franklin I really like his cartoons. And I met him via the Yarn Harlot I have also been reading My Cancer by Leroy Sievers. I often read Leroy and say, "Amen, brother." I can really relate. I have never seen anything on his blog about the good things about chemotherapy, though.
1. No bad hair days. I sometimes have bad "no hair" days.
2. I don't have to shave my legs. Which was nice when we spent a week on the beach.
3. No eyebrow plucking. Oh, wait, I never plucked my eyebrows when I had them.
4. Those two ugly hairs that sprout out of the scar on my face that used to be a mole? Gone. Also some other extraneous hairs that you don't want to know about. Trust me.
5. I save money on haircuts. My husband gave me my last haircut using my grandfather's barber clippers. It was free!
6. I have an excuse to be legally stoned for two days every three weeks. Yes, I go to church in a narcotic haze. I think I remember the sermon. Also, I skip the bobbing up and down parts that we Lutherans seem to be so fond of on that Sunday.
7. My wig looks better than my real hair.

Really, it does.

Also, I only have to wash it every two weeks, if I wear it every day. I have started wearing it every day since I finally realized that it really does look better than my hats and scarves.
If you come to my door unnannouced, though, be prepared.

Earrings have become more important to me, too. Good thing my husband has developed a relationship with a jeweller.
Okay, maybe I look like Mr. Clean.
The most important good thing about chemotherapy, is I have found out how many good friends I really have. They have been sending us food, prayers, and help any time I need it. I am blessed with a wonderful family, and a larger than expected circle of friends. Thanks.
Get your mammograms. Do your self-exams.
At 5:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, I saw your message on the NOVA knitting yahoo board and decided to visit your blog... I just wanted to say "Hello!" and also to let you know that you will be in my prayers. I think your wig looks awesome! Thanks for sharing your story with others... God Bless You.
At 5:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Ruth~~ Love the list, especially the 'bad no hair days'! You're a stitch... knit on!
At 10:09 AM,
gillian said…
Hi Ruth
I also am bald and beautiful. I think you look great bald, it adds a whole new dimension to beauty in my opinion. I also get what you mean by bad "no hair" days. I am losing my very short grey/white hair for the second time this summer and all I can do is giggle as tufts of hair come out... all of which is temporary and I will have hair again some day... I believe in a sense of humour to get me through the day and yes some people have a hard time with it, so I make sure others understand that it is just another part of life that has humour in it if we let ourselves indulge!
At 8:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Ruth, saw your link on NPR, Thanks for sharing your musings! They DID make me laugh. Shirl Dolitz
At 10:02 AM,
Iris said…
Hi Ruth - I've just been wandering around cyberspace and found your blog. I finished chemo in July - still doing Herceptin & Arimidex. I'm only 8 month out from diagnosis.
I LOVED your "good things about chemo" and may borrow them (will give you credit :)
You will be in my prayers!
At 1:55 PM,
Faith G said…
I loved this post!
I think what's hard for me about being bald is that hair is linked to so many other fears I have- being single and wanting a family of my own it brings up fears of never being loved just as I am. It is related, somehow, to Hope.
BUt God is with me in the struggle, and I know to stay in those places of fear makes it impossible to grow. So when I feel those voices of doubt, I reatreat to that part of my heart that still trusts like child and rest there.
Hey, I think you've given me inspiration for todays posting...
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