Ruth's musings

I have been dealing with breast cancer for a while, and have been sharing my journey with friends, family, and prayer partners. This blog brings all my updates together in one place, and leaves me free to muse on other parts of my life. Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Ruth Update November 4, 2008

We have had computer problems, so am sorry that I have been unable to to put out my updates via e-email as I usually do. I hope to have that fixed some time this week.

Also, my typing is shot. Combine that with my usual inability to get to work, and I have resigned my job. I will try to keep up with my blog and prayer partners list

I had a medical procedure due yesterday, but it was canceled when my liver function when sky-high. So I had a couple of more liver function tests and an ultrasound. I hope to get more information tomorrow, and hope to get some chemotherapy going.

Please check the blog here, until the e-mail list gets up and going.

Love, Ruth
get your mammograms. Do your self-exams


  • At 2:52 PM, Blogger Tricia said…


    I continue to pray so hard for you and for your family. You are never alone.


  • At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm glad we could talk a couple mornings ago. I'm sorry you had to quit your job. Every day I pray for your peace of mind and comfort, and that you're not afraid.
    I wrote you a poem. It'll be in your email.

    Love, Jan


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