Ruth's musings

I have been dealing with breast cancer for a while, and have been sharing my journey with friends, family, and prayer partners. This blog brings all my updates together in one place, and leaves me free to muse on other parts of my life. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ruth Update, April 30, 2008

Dear Friends, Relatives, and Prayer Partners,
I am feeling much better today and made it in to work with no problems.  If you didn't know I was sick, it is probably because you have AOL.  I had 34 messages returned on my last update, and all were from AOL.  I even tried to forward one from my Yahoo mail, and it bounced, too.  So, if you want to catch up, please see my blog:   I post almost all of my updates there, in addition to some other stuff.
"A Friend," who is described as one of my "blog readers," has made a very generous, anonymous gift to me so that I can buy a new wig.  This person worked through my pastor, and the gift arrived today.  Thank you very much.  I am truly grateful and humbled by your generosity.  I am also amazed by your faith in the Postal Service!  They delivered, though.  The card is very nice, too.  Thank you, whoever you are.  I want you to know I called the wig shop as soon as I could, but I guess they don't have an answering service.  I will work at that again tomorrow so I can put your gift to work right away.  This was not necessary, but is very much appreciated.  Thank you, again.
Please continue to pray for Paul and Matt and their trip back.  A meeting that Paul needed to attend on Friday was rescheduled, and I have nagged him a lot about not driving, or having Matt drive, late at night.  It will be good to have Matt home, that is for sure.
Get your mammograms.  Do your self-exams.


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