Ruth Update, March 25, 2008
It occurs to me that I should thank ALL blood donors, not just the O's. Thank you to all of you, as I am sure you have saved more lives than you know. I may have gotten plasma from some of you A's, B's, and AB's, though I bet your red blood cells went to save somebody else!
Matt has posted the video of my haircut. If you have a slow internet connection, be aware that it is over eight minutes long and will take a while to load. If you have WebTV, I am sorry. This is on YouTube. My channel is datatech57.
And here it is embedded:
Also, Matt posted a video that I shot of him and his room on his channel, but I can't find the URL for it. I don't want to embed it into my e-mail, but I will embed it on the blog. Anyway, those of you who know your way around YouTube can find it on his channel -- timsbro2000 -- as "Wake Up Call." -- now changed to "My mom wakes me up" Here is the embedded one:
Good news: the Washington, DC, area now has an Oldies Station. The bad news, it is nationally syndicated. The worse news, its morning show is Don Imus. I will continue to listen to Morning Edition on my way to work, I believe. More bad news, it used to be the only full-time jazz station in the market. Now we have Oldies, but no jazz.
I had my chemotherapy today, and am feeling pretty good, though a little "off." I expect to spend Thursday and Friday at home, medicated.
Get your mammograms. Do your self exams.