Ruth Update, June 23, 2008
Dear Friends, Relatives, and Prayer Partners,
Last Tuesday was a big day. I had my big toenails removed, and I had my last treatment of Taxotere. The toenails were so far gone I didn't need an anesthetic (just held the medical assistant's hand), and the Taxotere treatment went without incident, but I am surely glad to be done with the drug. I fear I may lose at least one more toenail and a fingernail thanks to it. My oncologist assures me that not everybody has the nail problems I have been having, so don't go by me.
The main side effect of the chemotherapy that has been bothering me is depression. I actually didn't have a lot of physical pain last week on my "sick" days. Maybe I should have tried to go to work, as my mind kept going off in directions I really don't like. I had to keep speaking sternly to myself. I had no energy to much of anything except lie in bed and feel sorry for myself. Then, after some hugs from my fellas, I felt better. I do think, though, that I am going to have to use the self-referral for psych services with my HMO. The Prozac doesn't seem to be keeping up, at least on the bad days. Please pray for my mental well-being, and that my nails would grow back healthy and strong.
My CA 27-29 cancer marker was also up from the reading earlier in the month. This is a blood test that supposedly shows the activity of my cancer, and we want it to go down. That did nothing for my depression. I have shared (vented) with my oncologist in an e-mail that I am concerned, and I hope she gets back to me. As it is, we are taking July pretty much off from cancer world. We plan to go to Florida the end of the month, as Paul has a conference in Orlando, and we have always wanted to go to Disney World. We plan to visit Paul's brother in Alabama on the way, and maybe stop in North Carolina the first night out. Paul wants to drive hard to get home. I want to take the Amtrak Auto Train. With the price of gas the way it is, I bet it's a wash if we travel coach, though I would love a sleeper. Hmmmm, maybe we could just get one sleeper and leave the boys in coach. That's a thought. They can sleep anywhere. I can't. Meals are included with the roomettes. Hmmmmm.
The other big news around here is opening night. Tomorrow, Red Noses opens at the Washington Shakespeare Company, with Matthew onstage. Tonight is the final preview (dress rehearsal with "pay what you can" audience), and tomorrow is the press show, and we get free tickets! I am planning for it to be good enough to see again with relatives in tow. I plan to post a review either tomorrow night or Wednesday. My own review. We will have to wait to see what the Post and Times have to say. I do know that, according to Matt, it is not appropriate for young children. We are taking Timmy, but he is thirteen, and it is his brother's debut, after all. (Matt also says that the "brief male nudity" mentioned on the website has been covered up.)
That's about it for today. I am sorry it has been a while, but I felt so down last week, I just didn't feel like inflicting my blues on you. I know you don't want to hear that, but, hey, they are my updates! Please, just keep the prayers rolling. Thanks.
Get your mammograms. Do your self-exams.
At 7:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Somehow I missed this post last time I checked your blog.
I am praying for peace in the midst of all that you have to bear right now. I know the depression can be overwhelming. This post was awhile ago, but I'll pray ex post facto.
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