Ruth Update, May 16, 2008
Dear Friends, Relatives, and Prayer Partners,
I left work early today, feeling pretty poorly. After lots of phoning of various doctor's offices, I did finally see an MD this evening at our HMOs after hours care. She prescribed me some codeine cough syrup and an antibiotic, which I think is what my oncologist wanted. Anyway, I am going to lay low this weekend, and avoid crowds, by doctor's orders. That means no church. Which actually solves a problem. I felt I needed to go to church at St. Paul's, as we the elders had insisted that the Athanasian Creed be included in the service this Sunday, Trinity Sunday, and I felt I should be there. For those of you scratching their heads, the Athanasian Creed is one of the three creeds of the Christian Church, and it is so long, it is usually only recited once a year. Some years we have not done it at St. Paul's, but this year we will. And I won't be there. The pastor pointed out that I probably have a copy of it somewhere, and could recite it on my own. Of course, I do. The problem is that the church where I work is celebrating it's 25th anniversary on Sunday, and I was supposed to be at the luncheon. Well, now I don't have to do either. Doctor's orders. Dang it.
Right now, I can't recite much of anything. I have laryngitis, and can only whisper or croak. Funny thing is, my throat doesn't hurt. It just doesn't work very well.
The best thing that happened this week is that I got my new wig. Thank you again to my anonymous donor. I had hoped you would be able to see me wear it this Sunday, but I guess you will have to be satisfied with a photo for now. Please see my blog, and thank you again!
Get your mammograms. Do your self-exams.
At 8:54 AM,
Faith G said…
Hello, Ruth. I'm a fellow breast cancer patient (currently in chemo). Your new wig looks great! n I'm doing the headscarf thig, myself...
Good luck, and you will be in my prayers.
At 6:19 AM,
Jinann said…
I thought about you as we recited the Athanasian Creed at Holy Cross Lutheran. {{{HUGS}}}
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