Ruth Update, February 13, 2008
Dear Friends, Relatives, and Prayer Partners,
I had a couple of things I wanted to include in my update yesterday, but I kind of ran out of steam. I think you all had about all you could take from me in one day, anyway!
First of all, my son has gotten into YouTube. He has a "channel," which, at this point he is using mostly as a blog. The hot link there is to the video reply to yesterday's update. No, he didn't get the news via the 'net. I did call him before I sent out the update.
Next, a friend of mine is doing the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. This is the two-day marathon walk you might have heard about. There is a lot of overhead for this venture, and she has committed herself to raise $1,800. I figure that every dollar over that is one more for research and awareness.
I quote her letter: "I ask that you please take this opportunity to honor those you love by making a tax deductible donation. There are 2 ways you can donate to this cause and support my efforts. To donate online, go to, click on "Make a donation" click on "Donate to a participant", click on "Washington DC 2008" and type in [her name -- Lisa Latall]. It will lead you to a page where you can pledge online by credit or debit card either as a one time gift or a pledge over time. . . . Please know that no donation is too small and that your gift will be appreciated more than I can possibly tell you." The other way to donate is to send a check to her directly. If you wish to do that, please let me know, and I will let her contact you with the particulars.
I had better warn you, the Provance family is trying to see what we can do to participate in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in June. I will be asking for support then, too. It's not just for me. It is for my daughters-in-law and grandchildren. It is for your mother, sister, wife, cousins, in-laws and descendants.
Excuse me while I go donate.
Get your mammograms. Do your self-exams.
At 10:29 PM,
Sarah said…
Dear Ruth, I like your optimism, planning for daughters-in-law and grandchildren! Watched your son's video, he is a brave young man. I'm sure he gets it from his parents.
You are in my prayers.
Sarah Z. in MI
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