Ruth's musings

I have been dealing with breast cancer for a while, and have been sharing my journey with friends, family, and prayer partners. This blog brings all my updates together in one place, and leaves me free to muse on other parts of my life. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ruth Update #9

April 16, 2006

Dear Friends, Relatives and Prayer Partners,

I hope you all had a blessed Easter and Passover. Even if you don't celebrate either of those, I hope the sun is shining and spring flowers are blooming wherever you are. Our lilac bush only has four blossoms, but they smell heavenly, which is what I hire lilacs to do. The azaleas are blooming all over Northern Virginia, along with dogwoods, tulips, redbuds, and lots of other flowers.

Last Monday, I told you that my hair was falling out, but not too badly. On Tuesday, it started falling out in earnest. On Thursday, I pulled a lock for my oncologist, and she said "Ewwww!" She is really a wonderful, professional, caring person, but she also know how cancer patients feel. She said if it was falling out like that, it would not get any better, so Thursday evening, Maundy Thursday, I had a cheap haircut. Paul, Grandpa Davis' barber clippers, in the backyard, with Timmy taking photos. I am working on a photo album in Yahoo, and will send you a link when it is ready.

I feel pretty good. This is my "golden weekend," a few days before my next chemo treatment on Thursday. I will probably be sick on the weekend, and Paul will be gone camping with Timmy, and Matt will be working hard on his play that goes up the following weekend. I hope soon to have information for you to purchase tickets. It promises to be very intense, based on George Orwell's "1984." Anyway, I expect to spend most of next weekend whimpering in bed.

Take care.

Get your mammograms, do your self-exams.



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