Ruth's musings

I have been dealing with breast cancer for a while, and have been sharing my journey with friends, family, and prayer partners. This blog brings all my updates together in one place, and leaves me free to muse on other parts of my life. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ruth Update #11

May 5, 2006

Dear friends, relatives, and prayer partners,

I didn't get an update out to you last week. Not much happened in my medical life that week. Except for having to see the practice that installed my Medi-Port. My absorbable sutures didn't all absorb, and healing of the incision was not going on as it should. One of the nurses who gives me chemo was not happy with it two weeks in a row, so she sent me back to them. Without a referral from my HMO. The radiologists didn't charge me for that visit, thank goodness, and I got a referral for the next visit, this week. The best thing about that practice is the Irish accent of the nurse in charge of the clinical area. I could listen to her talk all day. Anyway, the incision is healing.

Matt did wonderfully well in "1984." Mainly, he got "beat up." In stage combat, the recipient of the "blows" is the one who has to do most of the work, and Matt was being "beaten" by the Party guards. He made it look disturbingly real, and he got some very good reviews from the Cappies critics. Bear in mind that the Cappies critics are high school students. Keep your fingers crossed that he is nominated for an award. The Cappies are the local high school equivalent of the Tony awards. The awards gala is held at the Kennedy Center.

This weekend is supposed to be my "golden" weekend, and I had a lot of things planned. I am supposed to be at the theater downtown as I type, but Paul and Matt went in my stead. I have a sinus infection and have run a pretty impressive fever earlier this evening. I have started taking an antibiotic for it, and the fever has come down some. Infections like this are very scary for people undergoing chemotherapy as our immune systems are compromised. I got the antibiotics from the family practice at our HMO, and they did not keep me waiting at all. My oncologist is on call this weekend, so if I don't get better, I can call her to get a stronger antibiotic. Of course, I won't have a car as all my boys are going to a theme park with the Boy Scouts and will probably be taking the car. I also have a date for a concert tomorrow night, and a visit to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival on Sunday morning. All of that may have to be cancelled, though I am feeling better than I was earlier. Ah, the wonders of pharmaceuticals!

I had better take my medicine and go to bed.

Get your mammograms. Do your self-exams.



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